The decline in oil and gas leasing, permitting, and new drilling on the nation’s public lands since 2009 have come at a high cost to America – namely, a significant loss of domestically produced oil and natural gas, thousands of jobs in the energy-rich western United States, and the forfeit of hundreds of millions of dollars in state and federal tax revenues, royalties, and lease payments to western states and the U.S. Treasury.
根据最近的评论,当前针对含水层的监管计划正在有效地保护地下水作为当前和未来的饮用水源。《安全饮用水法》保护了合格的地下饮用水来源。含水层的豁免是在有限和特殊情况下可用的监管名称 - 只有当含水层既不是当前也不是未来的饮用水来源的情况下。(请参阅40CFR§146.4。)仅在严格的申请,审查和批准过程确保满足某些监管标准后,才授予含水层的豁免。这些申请在联邦和/或州一级或部落一级(取决于首要地位),然后发送到EPA(最终确定)。本文和摘要文件解释了获得含水层豁免的当前标准,而较长的论文还概述了当前UIC计划中如何充分保护现有和未来潜在饮用水来源的灵活性。