As Brian Nearing of the Times Union and Anthony Brino of InsideClimate News report, the treat to water resources that is posed by fracking can be mitigated with a new technology that’s already being used in Canada and could come to American gas fields in the near future: liquefied propane gas (LPG). The gas fracturing does not require the large amounts of water and reduces the need for what chemicals are used in fracking.
尽管新兴技术开始从行业中获得支持,但液压压裂也正在从该行业以外的团体中收集更多的支持者。《伊萨卡杂志》指出,现在清洁增长 - 来自纽约州的16个商业和贸易集团的联盟,是为了在他们说的辩论中增加了另一种声音,他们说,他们说已被环保主义者和天然气公司所指挥。