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Energy Tomorrow Blog

Our Energy Choice

shale energyunconventional gasunconventional oilhydraulic fracturingfrackingeconomic growth

Mark Green

Mark Green
Posted April 28, 2014

An infographic that clearly illustrates America’s choiceon shale energy: significant economic growth, job creation and generated revenue for government because of continued energy development – vs. lost opportunity in all three areas if development is restricted.

The information is fromIHS’ study on the economic impacts of unconventional oil and natural gas development– energy from shale and other tight-rock formations,safely and responsibly producedwithadvanced hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling

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KXL Pipeline, the Politics of Delay and Costs to Us All

keystone xl pipelineamerican energyEnergy SecurityEnvironmentfrackingcalifornia

Mary Leshper

Mary Schaper
Posted April 24, 2014

Washington Post: If foot-dragging were a competitive sport, President Obama and his administration would be world champions for their performance indelaying the approval of the Keystone XL pipeline

Last Friday afternoon, the time when officials make announcements they hope no one will notice, the State Department declared that it is putting off a decision on Keystone XL indefinitely — or at least, it seems,well past November’s midterm elections.这一次,原谅是内布拉斯加州的诉讼over the proposed route, because that might lead to a change in the project that various federal agencies will want to consider. The State Department might even decide to substantially restart the environmental review process. This is yet another laughable reason to delay a project that the federal government has been scrutinizing formore than five years

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American Energy Continues to Be a Success Story

american energyjobsfrackingcalifornia德州keystone xl pipeline

Mary Leshper

Mary Schaper
Posted April 23, 2014

The Energy Information Administration (EIA) releasednew data yesterdayon international energy production for the months of November and December 2013. For the 14th straight month starting in November 2012, total petroleum production (including crude oil and other petroleum products like natural gas plant liquids, lease condensate, and refined petroleum products) in “Saudi America” during the month of December at 13 million barrels per day (bpd) exceeded Saudi Arabia’s output at 11.65 million bpd (see chart above).

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Energy Means Jobs for Pennsylvania

american energyjobsEconomypennsylvanianew yorkfrackinghydraulic fracturing

Mark Green

Mark Green
Posted April 23, 2014

Earlier this week we focused on thejob and economic impacts of energy in New York state, a good story that could be much better if the state would permit safe and responsible development of natural gas from shale. How much better is suggested by the dramatic increases in natural gas production in neighboring Pennsylvania, as depicted in this chart by theU.S. Energy Information Administration:

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Optimism Thanks to Energy

EnvironmentEconomyjobsEnergy 101exportsfracking

Mary Leshper

Mary Schaper
Posted April 22, 2014

Forbes:Today is Earth Day, the annual celebration of Mother Earth and all she provides to us. So I just wanted to spend a few moments and words here urging you all to take time out of your busy days to thank Mother Earth for the following:

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Jobs Delayed in New York: Energy Story Remains Unfinished

oil and natural gas developmentnew yorknew york drilling moratoriumhydrofrackingfrackingeconomic growthmarcellus

Mark Green

Mark Green
Posted April 21, 2014

Probably nowhere is the economic impact of shale energy development more dramatic than in the contrast between two neighboring states – Pennsylvania and New York. The former allows hydraulic fracturing in the energy-rich Marcellus shale belt that runs through much of the state, the latter doesn’t – even though the Marcellus continues into the Empire State and could provide a big jobs boost on its Southern Tier.

Indeed, while New York is not a top producing state, the oil and natural gas industry still is driving strong job creation and economic growth. In aPwC study, New York ranked 7thin the country in overall impact from oil and natural gas development.

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Energy, Infrastructure and Sustaining a Revolution

keystone xl pipelineinfrastructurejobsEnergy Securityfrackingmanufacturingtechnology

Mary Leshper

Mary Schaper
Posted April 21, 2014

Forbes (Christopher Helman):当企业和官僚们没有guts to stand behind a decision they’ve made, they release the news late on a Friday. In the case of the Obama administration’s move to delay indefinitely a decision to approve or deny the Keystone XL pipeline, it speaks volumes that the announcementwas madenot just on any Friday, but on the convergence of Good Friday and Passover.

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American Energy is Fueling Growing Communities

american energyEconomyjobsEnergy Securityfracking

Mary Leshper

Mary Schaper
Posted April 18, 2014

Oil production and natural gas production from the six prominent shale basins in the United States should increase in May, a U.S. drilling report said. The U.S. Energy Information Administration issued a monthlydrilling reportfor the six shale basins -- Bakken, Eagle Ford, Haynesville, Marcellus, Niobrara and Permian -- that together account for almost 90 percent of the growth in U.S. oil production and nearly all of the gains in natural gas.

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America’s Hydraulic Fracturing Revolution

frackinghydraulic fracturingimportsEconomyjobsEnergy Security

Mary Leshper

Mary Schaper
Posted April 17, 2014

Fuelfix Blog:In this photo essay, AP photographer Brennan Linsley looks inside a walled-off fracking facility, one of many sites reversing decades of declining oil production in the state.

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Ohio – Dotting the 'I' in Investment

ohioEconomyjobsfrackinginfrastructureutica shale

Mark Green

Mark Green
Posted April 16, 2014

The story of the impact of oil and natural gas production story in Ohio is old – and new. Old in the sense the state was one of the country’s earliest producers of oil and natural gas. But also new, because development of the Utica Shale play in the past few years is responsible for an oil and natural gas resurgence, one that parallels what’s happening in the country as a whole. Thanks to shale development through advanced hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling the state is seeing job creation, investment and economic growth.

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